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Supplements after stomach cancer surgery

When your stomach has been (partially) removed, your body has a reduced ability to absorb nutrients. That may result in a deficiency of essential vitamins and minerals, and lead to physical complaints.

Restoring those crucial vitamin and mineral levels should help you:


To make sure the body functions well, it is important to supplement your diet every day: we have developed Multi G just for that.

Mother daughter Gikavi

More information

Did you know?”Almost one-fourth of digestive cancer patients are at risk of dying because of the consequences of malnutrition, rather than cancer itself”Scientific sourcesDid you know?That up to 78% of the individuals that had an esophagectomy, gastrectomy or pancreatoduodenectomy suffers from at least one deficiency*Scientific sourcesDid you know?That up to 78% of the individuals that had an esophagectomy, gastrectomy or pancreatoduodenectomy suffers from at least one deficiency*Scientific sourcesDid you know?Iron, Vitamin D3, A, E, K, B12 and zinc deficiencies are most common?

Relating to complaints like fatigue, hair loss, concentration problems and a weakened immune system.Scientific sourcesDid you knowResearch and clinical evidence in cancer have shown that nutritional support can reduce length of hospitalisation and improve physical function.Scientific sourcesOur track recordGikavi has 15 years of experience shipping surgery related supplements around the globe.
And that our supplements are prescribed at major European hospitals?About us
Want to test how your body responds?Order a free trial package and test how your body responds to this supplement.
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Jörg Zehetner, MD
Professor of Surgery
Bern, Switzerland

“Complaints like tiredness, hairloss or lack of concentration can indicate a deficiency (of micronutrients)”

“It is important to treat micronutrient deficiencies”

“Patients under my treatment benefit from taking multivitamins on a daily basis”

About Gikavi Supplements

More about the supplement Multi G

The most common deficiencies in vitamin and minerals after stomach cancer surgery and how they affect you